In response to overwhelming evidence connecting human activity and fossil fuels to climate change, much of the world is turning its efforts towards renewable energy. Since 2014, […]
In response to overwhelming evidence connecting human activity and fossil fuels to climate change, much of the world is turning its efforts towards renewable energy. Since 2014, […]
The Global Carbon Project report states that the major driver of the 2018 increase was higher electricity demand worldwide, leading to more coal-burning – primarily by China and India as their economies grew and more oil used in transport. Emissions in China were up 4.7% and India by 6.3% year on year. However, almost all countries are contributing to the accelerating emission rates.
The 2018 International Pittsburgh Coal Conference was held from October 15-18 at the China University of Mining & Technology in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. This year was the 35th annual conference, which alternates venues between the University of Pittsburgh and the China University of Mining & Technology. At the conference, Dr. Vinod Veedu delivered a HeatX presentation titled, “Novel Nanocomposite Surface Treatment for High Efficiency, Low Emission Coal Power” which focused on how Oceanit’s functional surface treatments could help the world to achieve this 7% efficiency gain.
Oceanit delivered a presentation titled, “Functional Surfaces for Highly Efficient, Low Carbon, Low Cost Desalination” which focused on how nanocomposite surfaces, like HeatX, can greatly increase the efficiency of desalination processes. Current desalination efforts are typically high-cost in that they consume a lot of energy in order to desalinate saline water.
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